I also especially enjoy their Bombs Away, Red Robot Inferno, and Crash.
Check 'em out!
And, as always, stay tasty!
I've just received word from the fine folks at Skull-a-Day that my "Meat Skull" photo is to be included in a new book they're throwing together featuring simulacra images from the blog.
W00t! W00t! I'll be internet famous, now! Fame! Riches! Babes! And an endless river of glorious craft beer flowing to my parched lips!
Or, ya know, maybe I'll just have something to show peeps at parties.
Or, ya know, a new coaster for the coffee table.
And stuff.
Cheers! And, as always, staaaaayyyyy TASTY!
~Zook (who's had too much caffiene today)
My man Rick, aka Crankmaggot, delivers up another killer skull, "Mickey Bones", and it's wicked.
Do yourself a favor and check out Rick's other creatures and creations. Truly terrifying stuff lurk within his photostream.
Thanks for stoppin' by!
Stay tasty!