Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Kings Of Atlantis (scale)

Wow. These things are HOT!

Argonaut Resins' talented artist/sculptor, END, is producing a set of skulls!

"Ten powerful Demi-god kings ruled the fabled land of Atlantis thousands of years ago... All that remain are their skulls."

And what beautiful skulls they are. Ten skulls. Ten colors. Ten powers.

Here's a couple of sneak peaks:

Kings Of Atlantis

Packaging Sneak Peak @ Cookies N Cream

The skulls will be available for sale on Halloween and each comes with a blind-boxed talisman magnet!

Awesome! No word on pricing yet. I'll post more when I know more.

Stay tasty!


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Leather Skull Mask

Found this gem hiding in an etsy shop this morning and I LOVE it. Very simple. Very sharp. A little late for me. I actually have a Halloween party I'm supposed to be attending this coming Saturday, but the day is so jam packed I'm not certain I'm going to make it so I didn't bother fleshing out a costume of any kind. This would've been perfect. Could've just wore some denim & leather and slapped this bad boy on. Maybe find a way to strap it to the bike next spring or just hang it on the wall. For shame.
Anywho! Happy Wednesday! Make sure you check out Mr. Hyde's other masks, including a nother skull!

Tron: Legacy X Ghost Rider

Ok. So this is a stretch, I'll admit.

GW @ Geekologie had a post today yesterday about a Tron: Legacy X Marvel Superheroes cover mashup. Cool enough, I suppose, but when I saw Ghostie over there I was like, WHOAH!

I really love how this one worked out. Ghost Rider on the Tron Light Cycle looks SWEET! And I really like how they redesigned his hook.

I would definitley read a mashup of GR & Tron, though I'm not sure how the spirit of vengence theme would play out inside of a computer. Hmmm...

I've honestly been out of the loop on the new Tron: Legacy movie, but what little I've seen & heard looks great. Being a child of the 80's I definitely have fond memories of the original Tron.

Monday, 18 October 2010

The Lake by Uberkraaft

The Lake
Originally uploaded by uberkraaft

Check out this digital illustration by UK artist, Matt Williams, aka Uberkraaft. Matt says this was done 95% freehand in Potatoshop (that's Adobe Photoshop for the un-hip reading this out there or those of you too lazy to click that link).

There's even an open edition print available! Sweet!

Tasty, tasty stuff. Drop by Matt's flickr stream and check out some his crazy doodle stuffs! Or, stop by his website! Or! Send him sexy, stalker e-mails!

Happy Monday, citizens!

Stay Tasty!


Friday, 15 October 2010


Originally uploaded by Ale Amorin
I received a notice today that flickr user, "Ale Amorin" added me as a contact and proceeded to peruse their flickr stream when I stumbled upon this beautiful piece.

The artist says that it's made out of "regular clay" and requires three to four days of sculpting & modeling, about a month to dry and then 16 hours to fire.

Absolutely awesome. I've invited this piece to the Skullnation flickr group and am looking forward to looking through the rest of the flickr stream.

Happy Friday and stay tasty!


Friday, 8 October 2010

Accidentally stumbled upon this gem of a print at etsy. Just really liked the style and this fine chap's prints are very, very reasonable.

Oh. Accidentally as in I followed a link to this beauty: Han & Chewie which also reminds me of today's Teefury.com shirt which is TOTALLY awesome and which I had purchased at Redbubble just a few weeks ago!

Day of the Dead Art -- Song For Mary

David Lozeau, in case you didn't know, draws all kinds of skulls and skeletons. "Day of the Dead, Lowbrow, Kustom Kulture, and Tiki artist specializing in Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), hot rod, tattoo, and zombie imagery."

Interesting to note that David often times uses one shot enamel, the same type of paint used for pinstriping cars, to create his art. He has a very unique cartoon style that really is all his own.

Make sure and keep an eye out for more stuff on his flickr stream and stop by his web site and pick up some goodies.

Also, if you'd like to bring your love of skulls into the bedroom, check out these cheeky skull pasties over at Yandy.com. This is the same web store that brought us sexy interpretations of Chewbacca and Darth Vader.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Skeleton Keds

So. I've been terrible about updates lately, but have not been TOTALLY slack. The Skull-Nation flickr group is still going strong with nearly 700 members and over 2,000 images posted.

I have giveaway in the works for a very awesome skull mug by my new friend Cris at SkeletalDropkick over at etsy who we're hoping to get an interview with to kick off the Skull-Nation artist inverview series.

In the mean time, check out these wicked Skeleton Keds by Zoo&Co that found their way into the Skull-Nation flickr pool. They are TASTY! Too bad they weren't on a pair of riding boots. Then again...with winter upon us here in the midwest the scooter will have to be put away for the winter and I can't just go around wearing my biker boots all winter YES I CAN!!! so maybe, maybe, maybe... Hmm...

Anywho! Thanks for playing along children!

Spy any blogable skull art out there that we're missing, drop us a note and get us on current page!

Stay tasty!
