Purty picture!
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
373 Skull: Tattoo
Izza skuuullll... I tattooed it.
Via Flickr:
So. Second tattoo down. Tomorrow I tacklez the zombie bunny!
Tattoo and Original Design by:
Shawn White
Tattoo Apprentice
Tattoo Obscura
Janesville, WI
Friday, 22 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Rose and Teeth Biker Handmade Leather Mask
Absolutely loving these hand-tooled & painted riding masks. Would seriously love to score one of these in a more traditional motif for the cooler riding months...
Via Flickr:
Handmade leather biker mask. Mask has been tooled from 5-6 oz vegetable tanned leather. Mask has been painted with acrylics and sealed for long lasting wear. Leather strap and D-ring to fasten.
Masks available for purchase at www.etsy.com/shop/kennosborne
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Strange Freak Designs out of Japan is doing some crazy-amazing skull rings. This dude has some serious skills (and skulls). I really love the stuff he's doing. Sad to say they're a bit out of my price range, but they are SO gorgeous!
Check out more of his beauties here: http://www.stfreak.com/main/index_e.html
Via Flickr:
eyeless skull ring.
I made this .
My Facebook page
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
WIP Zombie MC Mask
This dude does AWESOME riding masks!
Via Flickr:
Handmade leather motorcycle mask by Kenn Osborne. Mask has been cut, tooled, painted with acrylics and sealed. Suede is drying on the nose and chin.
Masks available for purchase at www.etsy.com/shop/kennosborne
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Dagger Mouth
I really love the stuff this Matthew Ryan Sharp guy does. The combination of bold, simple lines and chaotic colors is striking.
He'll be in attendance at this solo show at Oh No Doom! in Chicago this month, too!
Via Flickr:
The Incredible Dagger-Mouth
Mixed Media on Paper
One-off resin pin by the stupidly talented onorio.depiro!
Make sure and check out his Nebula Death Squad pins and all sorts of other crazy awesomeness!
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Apple Gourd Skull
Slopped some paint around on an apple gourd. I'm pretty happy with him. I might have to get me a few more of these...
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Feather Skullage
So, our buddy, [rich] has a sweeet skull design up for voting at Threadless. Check it out. Help him out!
Via Flickr:
I got up xtra early yesterday with this design in mind - slapped down while it was still fresh and submitted it up over on threadless for scoring - If you'd like to rock a shirt with this design on show it some love over:
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Feather Skullage
Friday, 15 April 2011
Cardboard Skull
Trying to put some of the mass quantities of cardboard we burn through at work to better purpose. So I'm doing some doodles on it!
Via Flickr:
Second shot. Still need to spend a bit more time to get him looking really good (and black out the eye sockets). Fun!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
What an awesome collaboration! Love!
Original drawing by DevilDust Tattoo design by Zook Vector and Sculpture by [rich] Tattoo by Adam Riley @ Alkali Tattoo, Janesville, WI Via Flickr: International collaboration. I'm really rather stoked the way all of these designs converged. Absolutely awesome. From DD's original design which inspired my tattoo design, to [rich]s vector on to the tattoo, and culminating in [rich]s 3D sculpt. Awesome!
Friday, 8 April 2011
El Mecanico T

Yes. Another David Lozeau post. What can I say? I'm a fan.
David's "El Mecanico" shirt has been out for a bit now, but I just learned that he has plans to get some work shirts printed up with this design on it and for THAT I'm so totally stoked. I freakin' LIVE in Red Kapp work shirts, so I'll be definitely scoring one of them when he has them in hand.
As for the Mecanico t's shown here; Good deal at $20, methinks. I think some folks go way overboard on pricing for screenprinted shirts and twenty bucks is usually about my threshold of what I'll pay.
As always, check out David's site for TONS of other goodies; original art, prints, sculptures and more! David also posts up videos and photos of painting progress which are always interesting.
As always, stay tasty!
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Zook Skull Bat
My good buddy, [rich] sculpted this based on my latest tattoo which was based on a doodle by our mutual friend DevilDust (Double D).
AND! He's sending it to ME! Squee!
How do I rate, eh?
Tasty, tasty!
Via Flickr:
Was up early this morning so thought I'd not waste the time and made my good friend Zook a little sculpt (he's always on at me for not sculpting enough skulls) - so here's one of his Flying Skull Bat tattoo emblem:
- hope ya like it Zook I'll send him over asap,
Lace Agate Jasper Skull Sculpture
Skull Cafe Racer Sculptures by David Lozeau
More awesomeness by David Lozeau!
"These bad boys were sculpted in clay, cast in resin, hand-painted, antiqued, and then clear-coated to achieve a distinctively British 1960s counterculture appearance. They make great gifts, shift knobs*, or desk accessories for motorcycle and car lovers!"
"Colors vary and inventory is extemely limited in this small run of custom sculptures."
Hand-cast in resin. From an original clay sculpt. And hand-painted. All that for only fifty bones! Tasty!
El Mecanico Necklace by David Lozeau

I'm a little late on this, but just re-discovered this beautiful necklace by the mad-talented David Lozeau.
From David's site:
"Based on David's "El Mecanico" painting, the Skinny Dog Design Group hand-crafted this 1.5" x 1" sterling silver pendant and paired it with an 18" sterling silver chain. From the intricate details on the bandanna to the tiny groves on the wrenches, this unique piece of jewelry exudes quality and style.
Each skull pendant is stamped .925, DLo, and Skinny Dog. Only 20 will be made in this special edition, licensed run."Still some left! What a loverly piece of jewelry!
Always tasty!
Saturday, 26 March 2011
More ebay skullage
Cyborg Skull

Friday, 4 March 2011
Download Now
Master skull doodler, Rich Page, who founded the SkullNation group on Flickr , has gone and collected all of the skulls from his 2010 365 project into a very snazzy little e-book which is free to download for your viewing pleasure.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
SkullHouse: White Skulls and Box Set

Thursday, 24 February 2011
Death of a Bounty Hunter
Skull/Dia de los Muertos/Star Wars mashup by "captain.magnificent", a "neighbor" of mine just over in Milwaukee, WI.
Check out his flickrstream and etsy store for a few more kick ass Star Wars mashups and other tasty vittles!
Stay tasty!
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Really liking the stylism of this piece.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Skull Mug

Needless to say I was heartbroken.
For one reason or another I had not gotten around to ordering a replacement (cheap bastard), but today a friend of mine sent me a text that she was drinking out of a mug with a jolly roger on it and that it had made her think of me. I responed that _I_ needed a mug with a skull on it and promptly headed over to etsy and, within minutes, had purchased a replacemnt mug!
Yaaayyy!! Can't wait for this baby to show up.
And that brings me to my NEXT point. Back when I ordered my mug this summer I had talked with the Skeletaldropkick about possibly doing a giveaway. She was kind enough to offer up another one of a kind Skeletaldropkick mugs for me to offer to one of our loyal readers (we do have some, right?). So. Long overdue: I have another mug, similar to the one displayed here, in white, that I would like to give away! Yaaayyyy! Free skull mug! I'll even take care of the shipping so long as you reside in these united states!
How, you may ask, should be able to obtain such a prize? Good question. Hmmm... Lemme think for a moment. I hadn't planned this out very well...
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Tiger's Eye Skull

Stay tasty.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Skull House

Friday, 11 February 2011

Thursday, 10 February 2011
Skulls On Board

Skullhouse. One of my favorite shops at etsy.com These slip cast skulls, created by the mad-talented "Cyrus The Potter" are amazing to behold. I currently own three Skullhouse skulls and am certainly not done.
One of Cyrus' latest, "Skulls On Board" is a grouping of four porcelain skulls with a dry metallic surface that he's paired with a salvaged wooden "shelf". Looks amazing.
Plenty of more details at the Skullhouse listing for this beautry at Skullhouse on etsy.com
Cheers! Stay tasty!
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Beneath The Skin
The project has several steps, the first of which was the original tattoo design as shown. Next Dauvit is using the design as inspiration for creating a custom-built tattoo machine which will feature, among other things, the skull and heart as pictured; hearts cast in copper, skulls in silver.
The final step of the project, as planned, will be to have the original design tattooed onto Dauvit's calf, possibly as part of the "Beneath The Skin" show itself.
Dauvit does some truly amazing metalworks, specializing in jewelry. I'm fortunate to own a custom-made bracelet that Dauvit created for me and I must say that man is a master. Do check out his other works at Flickr: The Justified Sinner
Cheers! And stay tasty!
Monday, 31 January 2011
Chaos Skull
Chaos Skull comission.
Motorcycle tank stencil design for Ms. Antiorder. Check out her blog @ TheMotoLady or follow her on twitter @themotolady
This was really a fun design to work on. We went through a number of variations before this one just sort of clicked into place just before I decided my skillset wasn't right for the project.
8X10" Ink on 80lb Strathmore drawing paper.
Thanks for following along.
Stay tasty!
Friday, 7 January 2011
Skull-Nation Collaboration
Major kudos out to Zenx13 & [rich] who both completed their 365 project for 2010! A skull a day for 365 days. Very impressive. This piece is #365, a collaboration between both artists that I was invited to scribble on as well!
Tasty stuffs!
Make sure and head over to flickr and check out all 730 skulls these fine chaps doodled up!