Monday, 31 January 2011

Chaos Skull

Chaos Skull comission.

Chaos Skull: Antiorder

Motorcycle tank stencil design for Ms. Antiorder. Check out her blog @ TheMotoLady or follow her on twitter @themotolady

This was really a fun design to work on. We went through a number of variations before this one just sort of clicked into place just before I decided my skillset wasn't right for the project.

8X10" Ink on 80lb Strathmore drawing paper.

Thanks for following along.

Stay tasty!


Friday, 7 January 2011

Skull-Nation Collaboration

Skull-Nation Collaboration
Originally uploaded by Zook74

Major kudos out to Zenx13 & [rich] who both completed their 365 project for 2010! A skull a day for 365 days. Very impressive. This piece is #365, a collaboration between both artists that I was invited to scribble on as well!

Tasty stuffs!

Make sure and head over to flickr and check out all 730 skulls these fine chaps doodled up!

Rich's Skull-a-Day project

Zenx13's skull3sixfive