Skull/Dia de los Muertos/Star Wars mashup by "captain.magnificent", a "neighbor" of mine just over in Milwaukee, WI.
Check out his flickrstream and etsy store for a few more kick ass Star Wars mashups and other tasty vittles!
Stay tasty!
Skull/Dia de los Muertos/Star Wars mashup by "captain.magnificent", a "neighbor" of mine just over in Milwaukee, WI.
Check out his flickrstream and etsy store for a few more kick ass Star Wars mashups and other tasty vittles!
Stay tasty!
The project has several steps, the first of which was the original tattoo design as shown. Next Dauvit is using the design as inspiration for creating a custom-built tattoo machine which will feature, among other things, the skull and heart as pictured; hearts cast in copper, skulls in silver.
The final step of the project, as planned, will be to have the original design tattooed onto Dauvit's calf, possibly as part of the "Beneath The Skin" show itself.
Dauvit does some truly amazing metalworks, specializing in jewelry. I'm fortunate to own a custom-made bracelet that Dauvit created for me and I must say that man is a master. Do check out his other works at Flickr: The Justified Sinner
Cheers! And stay tasty!